Frequently Asked Questions

Medtrac360 was designed to improve interaction between Medical Practices and Sales Reps. Our platform enables lunches to be scheduled and information to be sent without losing time for both users.
Medtrac360 membership for Medical Practices is $99/ year! Simply sign up and setup your Medical Practice profile and start reaping the time saving benefits of our platform.
Sales Reps can enjoy creating a $8 / month membership with Medtrac360! There is no cost to join, just create an account and connect with a practice within your territory.
Medtrac360 is more efficient than traditional methods of interacting with Sales Reps. It will help your office staff save time to focus on patients alleviating stress during busy work days.
Sales Reps are experiencing less access to Medical Practices today and scheduling lunches can be a pain. Medtrac360 enables you to send product info and schedule lunches from a personal computer within seconds. Our system will save you driving time, money and wasted energy!

Need Help?

If you have any questions or issues with Medtrac360 please contact us!